Why TLC Wildlife Management?

Why Choose TLC Wildlife Management?

TLC Wildlife Management


Why Choose Us?

TLC Wildlife Management understands that we live in a unique and fragile ecosystem. Every animal is important and has a place in our environment, which is why we choose to ONLY use humane eviction and exclusion techniques for your wildlife concerns. 

We also understand that while you may appreciate your wild neighbors, that doesn't mean you want them living in your home or business! We base our approach on the behavior and biology of the animal, making decisions that are in favor not only of you but of the animal as well. 

Our techniques are less expensive than traditional trapping, requiring fewer visits to check traps. We don't ask you to monitor activity or traps because we are allowing the animals to evict on their own in search of food and water. We always ensure there are no offspring present before performing any exclusion. 

We provide long-term solutions, not a band-aid fix like traditional trapping. In most cases, the animal is not the problem, as they are simply making use of an existing compromised structure. We offer solutions tailored to your specific situation, and we work hard to educate you on your needs and concerns.

Our work is guaranteed and is a permanent solution to wildlife in your home or business. Call today to see how TLC Wildlife Management can help you! 

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